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TTC B#2.. Need Help?!

My AF started with 2 days spotting followed by 4 days of normal AF. During my fertile window, I fell with allergy, sinus symptoms. Also, there is more CM of lotion like on the so-called day of O. The day before it seemed like the egg white CM had come and gone in one day. I had my IUD out on May 5th and trying for B#2 (TMI I am sure, sorry). I have been trying to trace with BBT and CM but not really sure what I am doing. I am afraid to take PT this early.. Any advice or help would be great!

1 Answer • 13 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

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Hey! I am also TTC#2. We've been NTNP since DD was 6 mo. old, and we started more actively trying when DD turned 1 year. Once she was 18 mo. old we started TTC like crazy, using OPKs. She's 21 mo. now.

I start CD1 (the first day of normal period flow) drinking Traditional Medicinals pregnancy tea twice a day and lots of water. We also use OPK and make sure to BD as much as possible before, after, and during O time. We also use PreSeed, which mimicks EWCM. My CM is heavily egg white for about 3-4 days before O, but O and day after its dry, so the PreSeed just gives us extra assurance.

I did chart BBT with my first pregnancy, but now waking in the morning to a 21 mo. old has prevented me from being able to get true temps. You have to take your temp before doing ANYTHING. Literally, roll over and insert the thermometer the instant you wake up. Keep checking your CM, and make sure you're BBT properly. It worked for us the first time! Good luck!!!

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13 years ago

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