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Any advice would be helpful!

Plantation bleeding or irregular period? I made the mirena iud for almost 5 yrs and had it removed the first wk in may. The first month was regular at 27 days. The second month it was 24 day an last month was 27 days. This time however, my Af started with spottig, the next day was med to heavy flow the spotting again for we are going on two days of spotting and brown. My Hubby an I are ttc baby 2, I don't want to get my hopes up again for failure this month. Should I test or wait it out? Nothing about this month had been normal. Perhaps there is a medical issue and or fertility isse we need to address.. help please

4 Answers • 13 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

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As hard as it is, its always best to wait till AF is due to test... no point in wasting money when even early pregnancy tests arent very accurate before that date... My sister had her period during her whole pregnancy and my best friend had bleeding the first couple of months, so it is definately possible.

TTC #2 for 17 months DD: 5 DH:25 Me:25 User Image User Image

13 years ago

My AF was due 7/22 and had spotting, then 7/23 I had a normal flow, then starting on 7/24, it went back to spotting. AF is due to end 7/28 and not sure if this spotting is good, bad or test worthy..

13 years ago • Post starter

Hi ! I had also the mirena coil for 2 and a half years and I had it removed in May also. My periods until now were always regular and heavy flow and this month, 5 days before af was due i had alot of lower abdomen cramping and lower back ache, when my period was due (this week) I started with a very very light discharge of brown, bitty (occasionally stringy) stuff! That started 2 days ago and it is getting less and less. I tested this morning - day 32 in my cycle - and had a negative result.... I am going crazy wondering what is going on...if im pregnant or if its something serious... I am in the same boat as you and I hope that we both get the result we are wanting!! I have heard from a friend that she had the same experience and wasnt tested positive until almost a week after the brown spotting.... ! I guess we need to keep playing the waiting game! All the best! Keep us posted!

13 years ago

Hi there! I had my mirena removed after just over four years as well, and we have been ttc for 4 months. I have two beautiful girls and fell pregnant so very easily before the mirena. My periods used to be heavy and 5 days long - they are now 2-3 days long and light. I too am wondering if maybe this could be my problem (not enough lining in the uterus?) I say this as the mirebna is intended to thin out the lining while you have it in. I wish I had known this before having it in for so long, because I personally believe it has affected my fertility. Heres hoping it returns soon! The paperwork says ususally takes up to three months for periods to return to normal, and I have had four periods I consider not normal for me. Good luck to you and baby dust!

13 years ago

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