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Very confused.....

I'm 12dpo all tests are bfn, brown spotting since 9dpo, headache, slight pulls in uterus, and nauseas at night :/ This is driving me nuts.... AF is due this Friday. My breasts are tingly as well none of these things are normal for me..... lame TWW!

6 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 6 of 6 Answers

You may have implanted late. i didnt get a BFP til 15dpo and it was barely visible

11 years ago

Aren't u pregnant?? Ur chart says u are.
Either way, dont get down in the dumps yet...its still early, u know this!!!
Chin up, kid...a lot can happen in a few days! =))

11 years ago

I had what I thought was a faint positive at 8dpo but it turns out it was an evap, darn dollar tree tests, lol. I guess I forgot to remove that from my 8dpo symptoms. Tonight I also developed a sore throat.....I'm really not trying to stretch my "symptoms" but they are so obvious I literally feel a bit crazy :/ Thank you so much for cheering me up!

11 years ago • Post starter

I had to double check and make sure I didn't write this myself! lol. I'm sitting in the exact same boat as you right now. 12DPO, spotting since 9DPO. I had a huge dip in my BBT just below the coverline on 10DPO and thought AF was coming for sure but then it shot right back up to 98's for the last two days. Still spotting. Sore boobs - mostly left one and mostly on the side, Any symptoms I've been having seem to be enhanced in the evenings. My stomache is so hungry but then I get slight sensations of nausea. I almost gagged last night cleaning my rabbits litter - it gets done every day and I've cleaned it for years...there was no reason for that. But my sense of smell was on hyperdrive yesterday. Still today but not as much. Testing - all BFN so I have no idea whats going on. I'll follow this post to see what happens for you! Good luck and baby dust!

11 years ago

I just got AF this morning....boooo

11 years ago

The spotting could have certainly been implantation, some of us just take longer to implant than others (they sat 7-12 days dpo??). In my past pregnancies, I didn't get a BFP until 13-15 DPO! I did have implantation spotting with my first and got all BFNs until two days after the spotting--I think it just takes that long! with my last pregnancy, I got a BFN in the morning and my BFP that afternoon! There's still hope for you! I'm 12 dpo tomorrow and still hopeful!!!!

11 years ago

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