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Spotting brown to light pink and stretchy?

I stopped spotting brown this morning but I did notice a little pink on the toilet paper after sex (this morning) and again this afternoon a little pink mixed with very stretchy mucus.....what is going on? Could the semen left over be stretchy? I guess I never thought of testing it so I have no idea. I am 13dpo and I did test this afternoon with a FRER but it was definately a BFN. AF is due this Friday. I am ok with waiting to test again but I was really confused as to why there would be very stretchy cm (unless that is the left over semen from this morning) sorry ladies for the tmi but I figured you could handle it :)

3 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 3 of 3 Answers

hmm, I would say yes it could def. be left over swimmies, the spotting pink is what sounds like implantation, so if you implanted in the last couple of days, your test wouldnt be positive yet, soooo keep me posted hope you get your BFP!!!

11 years ago

Could the pink just b from sex? Nothing hurt while doing to deed but I figured maybe if he irritated my cervix then I would have some pink....I'll be testing agian once I'm a few days late for AF and I will totally let you know what happens :)

11 years ago • Post starter

Semen dissolves in water, stretchy cm will ball up and sink...semen also soaks into tp within a few seconds, stretchy cm wont.

11 years ago

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