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Anyone else heard these ?

Hello ladie
Well I was having a conversation with a friend midwife , ( I am not pregnant ) and she was telling me that there is a link to dying your hair in the first trimester and sucepitable ladies lossing their babies , so I a browsed utube and found a Irish midwife on there saying the same thing , she also not to drink fresh orange juice around the time of ovulation because this can turn ones mucus to acid which kills sperm , to eat yogurts around ovulation or before make mucus more sprem friendly as it helps to restore PH LEVELS in the vigina . She also drinking 8 to 10 cups of water a day during your fertile time as this helps with making mucus which I have heard before but also helps keep Miss egg nicely hydrated for her journey :)
I am only posing to hear other stories, tips or tales of advice so please share your stories .thank you and baby dust to all xx ps didn't know what heading to post under, sorry .

6 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 6 of 6 Answers

That's interesting. Not sure how true that is though. I love my fruits so eat a lot of oranges all the time and I don't think it affected me but who knows...maybe there is a link there..would be interesting to hear from other mummies x

Jinan (5-Aug-2008), Yunus (4-march-2014) , my angel bean (24-may-2013), angel bean 27/nov/14, angel bean 29/dec/14 User Image

10 years ago

Well the midwife on utube was infertile for many years and once she looked into the science side of this she found that drinking her glass of fresh orange juice was indeed turning her vaginal mucus acid and killing her husband sperm , she now has two boys , so who knows :) good luck to u

10 years ago • Post starter

I'm not so sure the hair dye theory is very true. Plenty of women dye their hair and carry on to have healthy babies. I did. I really dont think there are many women who dont dye their hair, actually. Lol!

10 years ago

Lo that's true dakotagurrl but she said that their is research on it and because of all the strong chemicals in the dye this can cause the damage so to speak , she if u want to dye your hair then do it when you are on your period and this way all dangerous chemicals are out of your bony before your fertile days , just what a women feels like doing when they having a period and feel like pants lol.

10 years ago • Post starter

There's nothing on the NIH site about it, and they tend to research things extensively. Im a non-believer. Not to mention how many hair dressers would need to quit their jobs or wear respirators as soon as they become pregnant lol...the theory is very unrealistic, imo. As for the orange juice thing, it can change the pH but wont kill off all the sperm. Some women use grapefruit juice to change the acidity and sway a girl.

10 years ago

I know from working at the salon a lot of the stylist say you cannot dye your hair all one color in the first trimester for the reason of the chemicals getting into the scalp where you have a directline i guess you can say to the blood stream. however you can dye your hair if you are foiling it and not going all the way to the root which any good hairdresser doesnt anyways because that causes bleeding of the color and a spotty look at the root. so if you are going to color your hair in the first trimester use foils and dont go all the way to the scalp. Regarding the oranges i have hear of that as well. same thing as eating a lot of high acidic foods like tomatoes. Depends on your bodys normal levels. some women tend to have a slightly higher PH so the acid in such foods helps to regulate that. so good luck hope this was helpful...

10 years ago

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