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Community post


11 DPO

Ugh, another negative test today. I know that I am totally obsessed with peeing on sticks, but I can't help myself. I absolutely ache to have a baby. The waiting and anticipation is klling me......hopefully tomorrow will bring me a BFP!

3 Comments • 11 years ago



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Comments (sorted by informative)

1 - 3 of 3 Comments

I believe it is still too early for you to get a BFP. But, good luck!

11 years ago

Hi, I am totally obsessed with poas too, I swear I have a problem lol. I'm 12dpo today and tested neg all day yesterday :( tested this morning and swear I saw something! Its still too early and I think I had line eye to be honest. I no its hard to hold off testin as long as you can, I'm trying to hold off now until 14dpo (monday) and I'm finding it difficult lol. Fx you will get your bfp in a day or two! Will keep everything crossed for you! :)

I'm 26, been happily married for 6 years & we have 3 Children. Our 1st DD is 9 years old Our DS is 5 years old Our 2nd DD is 2 years old TTC #4 since January 2013. Lost 4 babys between 6 - 15 weeks Diagnosed with PCOS in May 2013 Hoping for fertility meds in 2014 after constant & struggling to ovulate with irregular periods. One day I will get my

11 years ago

Thanks ladies, but I am now CD 4. AF showed up and spoiled the party. I am gearing up for OV and another month TTC!

11 years ago • Post starter

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