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Second thoughts about a much wanted pregnancy.

Yes, I said it. I am worried about me, my husband, our marriage & my body.

First of all, judge me if you like. But I'm going to be honest.

I'm worried that this baby will come in between me & my husband (doubt it. Probably just that scare. but it's how I feel at this moment.) We won't have awesome cute romantic dates anymore. Nope. never again. I'm sure I'm dramatic, but that's how I feel as of RIGHT now.

No more normal sex life. He wont be turned on by me during pregnancy. or afterward.
I'll gain weight. get stretch marks. & probably pee when I laugh or sneeze for the rest of my life..
I pray I don't endure a C-section. I'm scared I'll bleed to death if it happens.
I'm scared of being sick constantly. I think its weird to even think about a baby moving inside of you.

I'm scared I'll lose my patience with the baby if he or she doesn't stop crying. I'm scared I wont love it (I'm sure all this is just me over reacting but its scary!)

What if I don't want nothing to do with it when it gets here?!
This has came to me out of no where.. I'm sure this pregnancy will bring much drama, but more joy.
But I cant help it..

I look forward to all the milestones, but its like im thinking.. Am I ready for this? what did I get myself into??! This living being is mine forever to be there, care for & love!! Its scary..

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11 Comments • 10 years ago



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

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Go and complain on a site were people have achieved pregnancy and not to the ones who would kill for it

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

10 years ago

Ok, as much as I so wish I was pregnant and felt like shit... I don't think it's fair for us to pass judgment. The few short weeks I was pregnant I had some similar thoughts go through my mind. I think it is normal to be afraid of the unknown. Life will be DIFFERENT from now on, but that doesn't mean it has to be bad. You're going to be a mom! And although thinking of a baby moving inside of you now sounds weird, I bet at the end of the 9 months it will feel even more weird NOT to feel it anymore. Your body will change, but you're giving life to another human being. It's a true miracle and you can look at every stretch mark, extra pound, etc. and then look at your baby and know that something truly amazing came from that. You EARNED those marks. I've actually heard your sex life can get better while you're pregnant thanks to the extra blood flow to that region. Make the most of it!! Your husband loves you for you and he will after the baby too. It make take more work to find (cont)

<a href=

10 years ago

time for the two of you, but you just need to make it a priority. My husband and I have already talked about that. How I don't want to be the parents that can only talk about their kids and forget about their interests as a couple. Your life will change in a number of ways and for the most part, I think you'll find it is a wonderful and worthwhile change. Don't be afraid! You can do this!! :) :)

<a href=

10 years ago

It's healthy to wonder how you'll cope with such a big change. I had similarfeelings during my first (surprise) pregnancy. Then the baby comes, your world turns upside and you're so in love with this little person that your worries fade into insignificance.

10 years ago

Oh and being aware of how much responsibility you have taken on... a good thing. After all being responsible for the physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing of another person is huge. You will cope. The fact that it worries you that you won't shows that you understand it is a big thing.

10 years ago

This is your journal for your feelings and thoughts, but please could I ask one thing? As you are already pregnant can you please, please have a small ounce of sensitivity and understanding to fellow women who are still ttc and have been for a long while. This is a painful journey for some, it's one of the hardest things i've ever done. I love hearing and reading jourals of ladies and friends already pregnant, and it is a very daunting and frightening time of major change. Embrace it, and please enjoy it, it's a wonderful journey. I hope you have a great pregnancy. :0)x

10 years ago

You know what? I really don't like the way these people are talking to you. If you have these fears then say it. It's perfectly fine to have fears about pregnancy especially if you never had a child before. If other people don't want to read it they have a back button. This is your journal so write whatever. I'm not even pregnant yet and I worry that me and my husbands relationship won't be the same after a baby. I also think it would feel weird to have a baby moving inside of you. And it really is scary to think about have a human being that's yours forever I'm getting freaked out by talking about it. When your baby gets here you will love it an call your fears will go out the window when you look into that little babies eyes.

10 years ago

Alright, first of all to the negative comments. I'm positive once in everyones pregnancy they have panic attacks about unrealistic things.
My husband & I are far from self centered. This was just how I felt last night. Like I said, I'm okay with being judged. but I know I am not the only person who has had moments of OMG MY FREAKING LIFE IS CHANGING. Today, I woke up & felt totally different. I didn't regret getting pregnant I was just having all these weird emotions & like am I even able to truly care for a child?! But I know am because I've been a mother to my nephew since he was born because neither of his parents care enough to be the parent needed. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy this ride. But I'm also pretty sure I'll freak out again and wonder if I'm truly capable of being a mother. I love my baby. and not grown enough to be a mom? I probably was selfish last night. I'll admit it. But that was panic talking. Ty all for the kind words as well.

975 / 6000 Emojis


10 years ago • Post starter

Just been reading this and the replies. Firstly why the venom? totally unjustified in my opinion as these feelings are oddly enough.....COMPLETELY NORMAL. Most women have these sorts of worries and fears, I know I did especially with my first child. Luckily you will most likely find yourself wondering what on earth you were worried about when baby gets here and if my hubby was anything to go by.....your new curves should prove to be like catnip to your hubby. Just remember, you have a little miracle going on inside you. Try to push aside those fears and enjoy it. :) You will likely be a great mother and as for spending time with the other can be something as simple as watching a film together while baby sleeps cuddled on the sofa. Little things often mean the most :)

10 years ago

Thank you so much :))

21 / 6000 Emojis


10 years ago • Post starter

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