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Cycle day 16

Husband and I did the bd yesterday and the day before, and I suspect I may ovulate today or tomorrow. So of course he does not want to have sex today. He has done this the past 4 cycles, and I'm getting to the point where I don't want to have sex with him. I've read all the different ways we women are supposed to trick our husbands into having sex during this time, and to be honest it disgusts me. Not the women themselves, I completely sympathize, but the fact that this is supposed to be a partnership that we women will need to pilot 90%, with our bodies and minds being tested during pregnancy, and then most of us take on the majority of the planning/child rearing. So this one thing we need, and they can't (or won't in some cases) deliver, so to speak? How have we come to this, and have we put ourselves into this position by telling men we will do most of the work, and that we understand they have sensitive egos? I'm so sorry, but I think this is cockamamy. Our men need to get their acts together and get on board, and stop putting all of the work on us. It's a partnership, so they need to start acting as such.

3 Comments • 9 years ago



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

1 - 3 of 3 Comments

I don't trick my hubbie, he sees my OPKs and my temp chart. He often doesn't feel in the mood but you have to remind them that if they want a baby then they have to suck it up and do their bit too! I know it can be tough for mine to perform for more than two days in a row and there have been many times when I really haven't been in the mood either, but we have to try!
Good luck hun, I do sympathise with you. Maybe suggest a night out tonight to help you both relax xxx

9 years ago

I agree with hec red! My hubby sees my charts and opks and although we both may not FEEL like it you don't make a baby unless it happens and once you've tried long enough they start understanding that the only way to be successful is to suck it up :) preseed helps when your having one of those days where you just can't seem to get in the mood! Good luck convincing your hubby :) he will see soon enough what needs to be done!

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9 years ago

Thanks ladies, I had another heart to heart, and hubby seems to understand better. I think they just can't understand how hard it is for us and how we need them until we make it really clear. HecRed, I like the idea of sharing the OPKs and temp chart.

9 years ago • Post starter

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