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Well, thank the Good Lord above that I got a positive OPK Saturday AND Sunday Afternoon otherwise I would have felt extremely sad that my worse fear of not ovulating was true. When I took the one on Saturday I thought it was fluke b/c the line showed up almost immediately, but I only had a few OPKs left so I couldn't take another. Then, yesterday after I church I took one at the same time as Saturday and a BLARING positive before the "ink" dried. I was soooo excited! Then, I check my CM to see how "smooth" our BD was going to be, and there almost nothing there. Just some creamy mucus around the cervix but no stretchy, watery anything!! Now I haven't checked my CP or CM since my second pregnancy, but I am fully aware of how to and what to check for, I just don't know if the changed happened after my second or after my 3rd miscarriage. Normally, I am a wet one so I usually always get EWCM around O time, even if it's just a small amount, or any CM for that matter, I always have something indicating my fertile period is approaching. And I did notice a decrease in the amount, but I didn't realize how much. I've been trying to take it easy with all of the temping, opks, cp and cm checks, symptom spotting, and getting so hung up on the results, etc. but it's the things I do notice that are just completely unusual for me so it just drives me nuts. Now, I am definitely a fan of Pre-Seed, used it in every single one of my pregnancy cycles before, so I know it surely works, or at least it helps A LOT! But I didn't have any this month so I can't reap those benefits. But we did use Coconut oil which is awesome. I haven't heard any one say that Coconut oil (100% organic, cold pressed) is harmful to sperm and the last pregnancy we used it when we ran out of Pre-Seed and it didn't seem to hurt so hopefully it does the trick. But I don't know what has happened to my body and why I have an absence of fertile CM of any kind. Again, I haven't changed my diet or anything and I still drink lots of water, which is a personal preference outside of TTC, so I'm not lacking any fluid intake. If I don't get a BFP this month, there will be a laundry list of ?s of my MFM specialist when I see her....

1 Comment • 8 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 1 of 1 Comments

Yay for the positive opks! :) That is a little frustrating about the lack of CM , it's always what I used to monitor fertility in my first two pregnancies , but after that mine seemed to change too! And I never heard of using coconut oil! Interesting. I hope this cycle is it for you! (And me????)

<img src=

8 years ago

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