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Little Update

Hello Ladies, well I thought I would give a little update on us and our TTC journey. We have decided to work with Washington Fertility Center next cycle. I decided to enroll in FSA this year to help offset the cost for fertility treatments, our insurance will only cover testing and medications any procedures will be out of pocket. Mark had to get a root canal done, but luckily our insurance covered way more than I thought it would so that gives us a lot more wiggle room financially.

Other than that we are enjoying each other, our house and work. I'm a little nervous about going in, but I think when you get to a certain point you have to say okay what is our next step. My husband has always been super supportive and all for the process, but he has been reluctant to get his count done. I have respected that throughout the years, but I think the doctor will be able to give him a little reassurance.

The not temping has been really nice. Taking this mental break from TTC has been really nice. It is nice to come on here and see some familiar faces and get back in the game. :) Thinking of you ladies and sending sticky vibes your way. ;)

11 Comments • 7 years ago



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Yay I'm so glad to get this update and even more excited that you're starting with the RE! We're going on Monday to get IVF started and I'll write an update after that. I wish you guys so much luck and hope that things happen quickly for you. You were my first friend on here, and I think it's exciting that we're both starting this next step at the same time. GL FX

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7 years ago

This is awesome news! I've been waiting for an entry from u. I really hope this works out for u, sooner rather than later!!
Yay! So glad ur back!! =))

7 years ago

Yay still thinking of you and Renae and hoping every day it's finally your time! Rooting you on from the sidelines always :)!

<img src=

7 years ago

Fingers crossed for you

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7 years ago

Great to hear from you Tracy. I really hope it all works out for you, will keep everything crossed :)

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

7 years ago

Thank you ladies, I'm excited. Happy to be back at it. :) Renae I hope that you only have to do the IVF once!! I have everything crossed for you. Sandy I can't wait to stalk you and see you bring in number 4! :)

7 years ago • Post starter

Great news! Thinking of you! Keep us posted. I know I will be stalking you over on cmp before long :)

7 years ago

I wish you the best of luck!! I'll be stalking you for updates :)

7 years ago

Can you believe I'm still creeping your posts? Good to see you writing again. Cheering you on!

7 years ago

:) You ladies are too much!! Thank you for your support.

7 years ago • Post starter

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