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Apple Cider Vinegar

Welp here we are, cd 60. This is nothing unusual for a pcos girl. After talking to my grandmother of the stress ttc the natural way without all the chemicals the drs prescribe. She told me about acv ( apple cider vinegar) After doing the research it seems like it might actually be something i should do. So i got a bottle and took my first dose. 2 tbsp in a cup of water and a little bit of honey for the taste ( might switch over to a tbsp of black strap molasses )

Trying not to get my hopes up but i really hopes this works for me. After reading all the girls who went from crazy cycles to a regular cycle and eventually getting a bfp I'm so convinced. It's only day one.

4 Comments • 7 years ago



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Day 3 on the acv and Af came today with full force. Lol I'm kinda excited to see if i will actually ovulate this cycle. Ive only been on it 3 days and the only symptoms i have are frequent urination & decreased appetite ( and im a pretty big snacker ) ive tried so many supplements and remedies that didnt work as fast as acv.
Here's to the month of June.

7 years ago • Post starter

Cd 4 And i think I'm losing weight. Yayy!! My favorite jeans were sagging off of me. I had to actually wear a belt ( i hate belts lol ) No Cramps, Flow Was pretty light compared to previous cycles, and i have been going to the restroom alot. So far everything is going good. Dont know if i should start any supplements after af to increase my chances. Hope this is the cycle.

7 years ago • Post starter

Today is cd 12 and all is well. Ive been on the acv for about 2 weeks and i have alot of energy, my skin is clear, my nails & hair have grown longer and i lost a couple inches around my waist. I did have spotting on cd 8 which was pretty weird . Today im cd 12 and i have heavy cramping and frequent urination

7 years ago • Post starter

Cd 17 And it seems like ive ovulated. ????
Dont know if i should keep taking acv and bsm through the tww but im sure it wouldnt hurt. Heres to the tww.

7 years ago • Post starter

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