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Waiting for AF today, anyone else

Waiting for AF today , just wish it would hurry up now so I can move on to next month TTC , I know I am not pregnant as taken way to many test excluding today. Any one else waiting and going mad :)

5 Replies • 11 years ago



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1 - 5 of 5 Replies

I was due yesterday! I've felt like af has either arrived or is about to the past 4days or so! Still no sign of the witch and I hope she lets me have this one! I have taken tests the past couple days...negative. But there's still hope! My friend didnt get a positive until a week n a half after she was due for af!

I'm hopeful this month! I have been other times too but there's something different about this time I guess.

11 years ago

Bless u , yes know how u feel , I don't as a rule get weird boobs before my AF but I have this and I had the weirdest craving ever and for me totally yuck , never thought I would eat what I ate in million years but I did. MY AF hasn't shown uo today but I did have the faintest of faint funny color cm , maybe a bit a blood ?? the thing is my cervix is still so high and it's not normally but I still think AF coming now as like u all my prego test are neg, some lovely evaps but all negs, I have been very angered by the NEW 6 days early first response test as all of mine came up straight away with a line and then faded , this never happened with the older kind and its so upsetting :( .
It's true with my last child I never got a pos on the day my period was due but this was properly cause I ovulated so late that month for me but even so it still would if been 10 to 11 dpo when my period was due and still a neg but I am either 14 or 16 dpo now so know I am out and just wish AF would hurry up so I can get on with getting it over with and string again.
Thanks for the reply and very best of luck to ..

11 years ago • Post starter

Hiya I am in the same boat as you, AF is due on Monday and I have been spotting thinly for three days now, so as assuming that I am 'out' for this month, and want to crack on with next month. Although I have been experiencing 'symptoms' so am hoping that its implantation but just doesnt seem possible... keep me posted as we seem to be close together cyclewise, and would be good to have a 'buddy' to talk to, unless you have already had good news since post that is lol...

11 years ago

HIya I am due on Monday, so still keeping fingers crossed, been feeling a bit weird over the last week, tired, full of cold, headache, sickly etc.. fingers crossed... keep us posted on what happens

11 years ago

still no sign of AF and had a very faint positive result last night, which husband confirmed he could see, as wanted to make sure i wasnt imagining it.. tested again this morning, but showed up negative so gonna wait until thurs 18dpo and use a First response test, as using cheap ebay test and not sure of accuracy... keep your fingers crossed for me.. feel different this month so maybe!!

11 years ago

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