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6 DPO - Looking for Symptom Swapers

Hello ladies:

At work this morning and TOTALLY bored. Lets' swap symptoms...

Let me say that the first symptom is O'ing early. I should have O'd on Saturday (CD16) but instead O'd on Wednesday (CD13). Very strange.... I have been regular for the last 6 months.

O day to now - SUPER tired!

Tingly/stabbing pain in the breasts. Last night though there was some clear discharge from my right nipple - never had that before - weird!

Pinching and pulling in the abdomen - sharp/ stabbing and then some twinges/fluttering.

Way too much TMI to come but CM has taking a strange turn in the last day - It smells like... Well I'm not sure what the smell can be compared with and it's not like an infection type smell but it's lotiony and kinda smelly. Also weird.

Oh yeah and does anyone know the answer to this? My LP is usually between 12 and 13 days - will that change bc I O'd earlier? I have regular 28 day cycles.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

50 Replies • 12 years ago



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I am about 6 DPO as well and so far my only symptoms are mild cramping since about 3-4 DPO.

Good luck!!

Oddly I have had discharge from one of my nipples too! Not sure what that is all about though....

 BabyFruit Ticker

12 years ago

Also, your luteal phase should always stay the same, regardless of when you O.

 BabyFruit Ticker

12 years ago

So then this cycle will be less then 28 days?

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

I have read a lot of stuff online and everything says that your luteal phase is always the same. For example, people say that stress can make your period late, which isn't true. Stress can make you O later which in turn makes your period late but it wasn't actually your period that was late. I'm almost positive about this, so if you have been regular, your luteal phase should be how many days it always is. Mine is 12, so regardless of what cycle day I O on, my period will always be due 12 days later.

Hope that helps!!!

 BabyFruit Ticker

12 years ago

Hi Ladies,
I am at work, bored too, and also 6dpo. My #1 symptom right now is very heavy/tender breasts. They seem more tender and fuller then usual. I am hoping this is a good sign!

12 years ago

That is ALWAYS my indicator - my boobs get soooo sore that I want to cry!

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Girls,

I'm also 6dpo and would love to swap symptoms.
So far I've had mild cramping and fluttering (from 3dpo) and bbs are kind of tender. My legs and hips ached when I last night at bedtime. Today I had a bit of a stuffy nose when I awoke, and then a slight nose bleed on my way to do errands (just on the tissue when I wiped my nose, not like running down my face or anything!).

I don't know. I'm not sure if I even Ov's this cycle, and only bought opks after cd 17 so it's hard to say. I'll use them for next cycle if this one's a dud.

My understanding of the LP is that if you Ov's early, your LP stays the same, so your period will be earlier than if you Ov'd a few days later.

Thank goodness for cycle buds!

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12 years ago

Southern Bee, Hopefully this will be our month. How long have you been TTC?

This will be my 6th cycle after a miscarriage/D&C.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

hi Faith,

I guess it's my 4th cycle of ttc, since I was living away from my dh for school before that, but we decided to try back in Feb.
I'm not so sure that this is my month. Since yesterday morning I haven't felt anything. I have four more days before expected period (I think my LP is 11 days. Do you think that's short?)

How are you all feeling today?


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12 years ago

6DPO today!
Would love to symptom spot with you gals!
2-4DPO have been having cramping and bloated.
5+6DPO have been having gas (sorry TMI) and crazy twinges (bubble like) in my abdomen that won't go away... it's so frustrating- but haven't experienced that before.. good sign maybe?
Yesterday I couldn't get out of bed was soooo tired!!!!!!
to all and hope we get our SOON!!!

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12 years ago

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