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Emotional rollercoaster....

The longer we keep trying the more I keep thinking that maybe we should stop. It's WAY too emotional for me every month. I feel like it's NEVER gonna happen.

The admin assist in my office just found out she was pregnant on Monday - after 15 years of trying. Another girl in my office is due at the end of December and continues to complain about being pregnant. What the Fuck! I love my job but I hate coming here everyday because of this. Everyday is a constant reminder of what I can't have.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

2 Comments • 12 years ago



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I can totally relate to this! it seems like the more you try, the more others around you get preggers :/

User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

I can relate to this too! Someone around me is always getting pregnant! I try to be happy for them, but I can't help but feel envious. But there's one girl at my work that is constantly trying to out do me. The day I announced to everyone at work that I was engaged, she didn't congratulate me, she talked crap about me to some of my closest coworkers, and spent the whole day online looking for rings. So when I finally announced to my manager that I was engaged, she walked in and told everyone that she was engaged too! I walked outside for a minute and she was also out there calling her mother, telling her she was engaged! (While at work at that!) I had gotten engaged 3 weeks earlier, but waited to tell people at work, but I definitely told my mom in person that I had gotten engaged. I couldn't believe it, I wanted to scream!!! She rushed to get married 3 months later, and then not long after she was pregnant. So there's at least one in particular that I have a hard time being happy for.

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12 years ago

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