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2 years and counting

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We've now been TTC for over 2 years. I had a feeling it wouldn't happen in an instant, since it took 17 months to conceive our son. But I didn't think we would get past 2 years to be honest. Af showed up this afternoon, so now it's yet another month of TTC.

212 Comments • 5 years ago



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131 - 140 of 212 Comments | Last Page

Holy shit! I usually can feel my ovulation, but this is on a whole new level! It'll be interesting to see how my temp acts tomorrow.

5 years ago • Post starter

Well, seems like my body didn't release the egg 2 days ago as I thought, because today it dropped back down again. Not much to do about that than wait and see when it starts to rise for real. Mixed up the digits of yesterday's temp too, noticed it was .34 and not .43 when I took my bbt this morning and saw yesterday's temp flash.

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5 years ago • Post starter

Still not clear temp shift, although the temp went up a bit today. The chart looks a bit erratic so far. Hopefully I get another temp rise tomorrow.

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5 years ago • Post starter

I finally ovulated! A 5 days later then expected, most likely due to the borage oil. If there's a next time, then I will stop taking them around cd 12 instead of cd 14, so hopefully I ovulate at my normal cycle day then. But I hope there won't be a next time of course. I've started taking baby aspirin this morning and will be using progesterone cream as well. Now I just have to survive until I plan on testing.

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Pandorica-I read on the January board that you are not doing progesterone cream... Good idea considering the warnîng. I have a lot of hope for you this month. Things definitely seem different!

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5 years ago

@Adoette - Yeah, I decided it wasn't worth the risk now that they sent out a warning. I'm also trying to skip my pain meds for a while and see if it makes any difference. I only have one that contains paracetamol and I don't feel like it works on my fibromyalgia anyway. The past few months I've had fairly little symptoms from it, so I think I can manage without them during the summer.

5 dpo today and temp went back up again. I think I'll stop temping this weekend, after that there's really no use anymore. Counting down till sunday evening until I can start testing. There's no use in trying not to test until af is late, because that never works. But as long as I can hold out until 9 dpo then it feels ok.

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5 years ago • Post starter

Well, I guess my temp is on it's way up. I feel like I'm having a fever - all hot and flushed cheeks. Usually gets this when my temps are starting to rise more. Otherwise I feel absolutely nothing! Probably since it's only 5 dpo, but anyway.

5 years ago • Post starter

Since I'm only 5 dpo I decided to do a test and see if this brand give me any evaps. It's been a while since I've used them and I can't remember if they're prone to evaps or not. I accidentally opened up the top one first, which I got for free, and discovered it wasn't the early one but a regular one. So I had to open up an early one too, since that's the ones I ordered and plan on using. The white one measures from 25 mlU/ml and the pink one from 10mlU/ml. I'm a bit surprised that the white one gave me the worst evap, and not the early one. Guess it's a good sign that I couldn't see much on the early one. So if I actually see something later on, I can probably trust that.

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5 years ago • Post starter


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5 years ago • Post starter


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5 years ago • Post starter

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