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Second thoughts about a much wanted pregnancy.

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Yes, I said it. I am worried about me, my husband, our marriage & my body.

First of all, judge me if you like. But I'm going to be honest.

I'm worried that this baby will come in between me & my husband (doubt it. Probably just that scare. but it's how I feel at this moment.) We won't have awesome cute romantic dates anymore. Nope. never again. I'm sure I'm dramatic, but that's how I feel as of RIGHT now.

No more normal sex life. He wont be turned on by me during pregnancy. or afterward.
I'll gain weight. get stretch marks. & probably pee when I laugh or sneeze for the rest of my life..
I pray I don't endure a C-section. I'm scared I'll bleed to death if it happens.
I'm scared of being sick constantly. I think its weird to even think about a baby moving inside of you.

I'm scared I'll lose my patience with the baby if he or she doesn't stop crying. I'm scared I wont love it (I'm sure all this is just me over reacting but its scary!)

What if I don't want nothing to do with it when it gets here?!
This has came to me out of no where.. I'm sure this pregnancy will bring much drama, but more joy.
But I cant help it..

I look forward to all the milestones, but its like im thinking.. Am I ready for this? what did I get myself into??! This living being is mine forever to be there, care for & love!! Its scary..

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11 Comments • 10 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

11 - 11 of 11 Comments

What you are feeling is very, very normal. When I found out about my first pregnancy, I was excited. Then a few days later I started having completely irrational worries. I was convinced that my husband wasn't going to want to be with me anymore because of the pregnancy (which is completely ridiculous bc he never EVER sounded anything but happy and excited about the pregnancy once we found out) so I'm assuming that was all hormones at their worst. I then had a complete and total panic attack (crying, hyperventilating, etc.) After the panic attack, I went to bed and the next day woke up feeling perfectly cheerful and excited. It's HORMONES. I should add, there was NEVER a point that I didn't want my baby. I wanted it very much and I still felt all of those ridiculous emotions and fears. My child is the best thing that ever happened to me. But the first few days after finding out about pregnancy are very scary. Each time. Good luck to you.

10 years ago

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