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Secondary Infertility - Aged 35.

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<-- These are the faces I make each time I get a and each time ugly AF shows up. I watch people come and go, getting their BFP's, yet I am still waiting. It's been 29 long cycles, I am now on my 30th cycle. My partner is desperate for his own baby and I feel like every month I am letting him down.
I am a YouTuber, and in one of our live pregnancy test videos, he literally cried so hard. I hate seeing what this is doing to him, I hate not being able to do the only thing my body could do - only a few years ago.

I am going to be using this as a journal to blog my emotions, my symptoms and god willing, my very own

Thank you for reading. Looking for cycle buddies!

I have started a blog -

Cycle 30 - BFN
Cycle 31 - Currently 1DPO
Cycle 32 (Letrozole & Trigger) - ?

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

92 Comments • 3 years ago • Edited



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Interested to see how many vitamins everyone else is on.... Quite a handful..

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Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

CD14 for me, my third day of 'high' as predicted by my Clearblue Advanced Fertility Monitor.
BBT looks stable, certainly no little dips to indicate that ovulation is just about to happen. We're BD at the moment until I get a peak, then we will AI. Hopefully that peak is just around the corner.

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

I'm terrible about taking medication. I try, but I just van never stay on track. I really want to try a low dose aspirin. When I got pregnant with my daughter my progesterone was only a 10.4. Even with supplements went up to 11 so we upped the dose. This is the reason I think low progesterone plays into the difficulty of getting pregnant. I'm on cd 3 today and we are in the middle of a remodel and move, so I can't really focus to much on anything this month. Will definitely pee on opk's and just cover our bases. That's about it.


3 years ago

I usually take your run-of the-mill pre-natal vitamin. I've never really tried anything else, especially not knowing what the issue is. Still waiting for AF. Depending on which fertility tracker I'm using, I'm either 4 days late (for the one), or AF is due tomorrow (for the other). Very helpful, indeed... I'll wait a couple of days and do another PG test, although my gut tells me it will be a BFN,

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3 years ago

millbarnett, I feel the same with medication. I usually forget to take them. Enjoy the remodel and fingers crossed that it happens for you. My last baby I tried for two years for and the moment I 'gave up' it happened.

anglys19, That's frustrating for you. Do you know how many DPO you are? Fingers crossed for your test! Which trackers are you using? I prefer Fertility Friend, although I do have femometer but that's only because I use their thermometer (bluetooth).

OPK's still pretty blank here. Wondering when they will (or if they will) surge. Feeling slightly discouraged.

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter need to wait for the PG test....AF reared her ugly head this afternoon, so mystery solved. I was at 13 DPO. Now I’m just at CD 1

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3 years ago

MissPug try not to get discouraged! I was using Ava for a fertility tracker, but now I'm just using an app on my phone (Ovia) to help with timing. I'm thinking about trying a tracker again. I'll have to look at Fertility Friend.

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3 years ago

angyls19, Ugh! Sorry to hear AF's got you. :(

I'm CD15, BBT has dipped. I woke up to ovulation like pains and got my 4th 'high' as per my CBAFM. OPK's seem to be getting a little darker, so here's hoping ovulation is soon. The last 2 cycles I've ovulated on CD15, and the one before that CD14. I'll upload my BBT as a photo, the temp dip got me all hopeful... I definitely think we'll be trying a letrozole cycle.

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Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

Here's what my CBAFM sticks look like. I always write on them to know which result they progressed into. These new tests appear to suffer with a lot of dye run. Is that normal? I've never noticed before to be honest.

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Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

Just a few of my OPK's progression. Ignore the dog hair - I have a lovely 8 year old border collie called Noodles, he's absolutely crazy. It's not a pube.

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Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

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