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6 DPO - Looking for Symptom Swapers

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Hello ladies:

At work this morning and TOTALLY bored. Lets' swap symptoms...

Let me say that the first symptom is O'ing early. I should have O'd on Saturday (CD16) but instead O'd on Wednesday (CD13). Very strange.... I have been regular for the last 6 months.

O day to now - SUPER tired!

Tingly/stabbing pain in the breasts. Last night though there was some clear discharge from my right nipple - never had that before - weird!

Pinching and pulling in the abdomen - sharp/ stabbing and then some twinges/fluttering.

Way too much TMI to come but CM has taking a strange turn in the last day - It smells like... Well I'm not sure what the smell can be compared with and it's not like an infection type smell but it's lotiony and kinda smelly. Also weird.

Oh yeah and does anyone know the answer to this? My LP is usually between 12 and 13 days - will that change bc I O'd earlier? I have regular 28 day cycles.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

50 Replies • 12 years ago



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Southern Bee - I think 11 days is ok. Do you temp? Take any meds or supliments?

Whiterose - the twinges sound SUPER promising!

Jeanops - Welcome!

How are all of you ladies feeling today? Hopeful?

I feel ok today. I had some symptoms this morning and now not so much. I feel like I get all of my symptoms at night or during teh day. It's weird. maybe because I'm more calm then and tend to notice them more.

My question is..... How come I have all these promising symptoms like almost every month and then nothing - no BFP? Where do all the symptoms go? I don't get it. Last month I swore I was pregnant! I had a HUGE temp dip at 10dpo and then a crazy high temp rise for 3 days. I was even 1 day late - but nothing! Not even a BFP that turned into a chemical pregnancy - WTF? Sorry I have a truck-driver mouth. I truly don't get it.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

Just went out and bought 3 HPTs. Never done that before - always one at a time. The country I live in, yoiu don't get any cheap HPT's so...

I was hoping these sites help distract with our obsession - not I am thinking we feed each other!!!!

BB's are less achy - CM's reduced - twinges and flutters gone :(

Cold got worse and I had a sneezing fit earller - quite bunged up. First time I am happy about a cold! as other symptoms lighten...the cold's letting me keep hope.

I know its plain ridicolous but I will test tomorrow am - 7 dpo morning! then 10dpo and then 13dpo.

to all

12 years ago

Sims - you are too funny! I tested today too - like I don't have anything better to do, like work maybe? LOL!

UGH! I honestly can tell you guys though, I would rather be in the TWW then waiting to O.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

Ok so 8dpo and I have had sooo much saliva since yesterday that I feeel like I'm gonna start drooling. It's kinda embarrassing. I feel like my boobs have gotten a little bigger, firmer. They are soar but not like "OMG I can't stand it" soar. I had a small temp increase today too. I guess we'll see.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

At 7 dpo with a BFN - I guarantee you I am getting a BFP soon.

My bb hurt badly in the shower and now I am beyond doubt - BB's have grown. I think I should take up a psychic's job! BD a couple of times - DH travelling (I don't temp etc) and assume by O date.

and I just knew!

12 years ago

Simsmum- WOW I LOVE your positivity! I wish I was like that and "just know"... I hope you're right girl!!! BFP soon!!

Faith- Great signs lady!!!

AFM- no more weird bubbly twinges like yesterday, but have noticed my bbs are pretty sore, it started yesterday and even more sore today. I don't BBT so have no idea on the temp front. I'm either 6 or 7DPO today not real sure..

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12 years ago

8dpo for me, and I've got mild cramping again.

Faith, I'm mostly loyal to EPO these days. We've got a great group of girls at the EPO experiment thread.
Feeling more optimistic today, since reading many ttc success stories of ladies with hardly any symptoms in the tww.

Hi White Rose! We're almost cycle twins :)

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12 years ago

I guess my positivity comes from the fact that I have been pregnant 4 times before and have 2 kids from those. I know this is how pregnancy feels + I had an ESP experience after BD and told DH that I will be conceiving and its a girl! The strong ESP's have never been wrong so...

Will update what dpo my BFP comes - but for now I have 'announced' already. Yup that's how crazy I am.

is around the corner - hope the little girl sticks

One important thing I have learned from this pregnancy is that those who claim symptoms 2 dpo onwards are not imagining it...I have loads of them and none of them before.

Doesn't mean not having means BFN - but having them is not in out minds.

At 7dpo today by now I have had heavy CM, CM drying up, sensitive, painful, sharps pains in BB, lots of twinges, cramps, cold and bunged up, heartburn, muscle ache, tiredness, feeling overly active at times, HUNGER, thirst, yawning, sleepiness, feeling warmer (I don't temp), Acne (esp around chin - chin area is related to ovanies), smell issues, food cravings, food aversions, mood swings, sudden outbursts of anger, lower back pain and that's all I remember for now!!

12 years ago

Southen Bee, I have been taking EPO and Soy Iso for the last three cycles - I wonder if it was the SI that made me O early? When I first started with the EPO I noticed cramping after AF but I guess my body got used to it because I haven't felt that in the last 2 cycles. I guess i should check out the forum.

So I broke down and tested today. I used one of my stashed FRER. I sware to the heavens above that i see a VERY VERY faint line. I know that Answer tests and FRER are pretty much the same tests (at least they look the same) but the Answer tests have a visible trap line before you even take the test whereas FRER doesn't (or at least I've never seen it). I'n probably going crazy. My nips are super itchy today though. Not sure what that's about.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

So 9dpo and i'm feeling like I'm out this month.

No major symptoms. My boobs seem bigger and are kinda sore. I'v had REALY bad ga (tmi) and now I have a stuffy nose. I feel like I might be getting sick though. BFN this morning. So I'm thinking that Monday AF iwill be here. BOOO!!!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

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