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6 DPO - Looking for Symptom Swapers

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Hello ladies:

At work this morning and TOTALLY bored. Lets' swap symptoms...

Let me say that the first symptom is O'ing early. I should have O'd on Saturday (CD16) but instead O'd on Wednesday (CD13). Very strange.... I have been regular for the last 6 months.

O day to now - SUPER tired!

Tingly/stabbing pain in the breasts. Last night though there was some clear discharge from my right nipple - never had that before - weird!

Pinching and pulling in the abdomen - sharp/ stabbing and then some twinges/fluttering.

Way too much TMI to come but CM has taking a strange turn in the last day - It smells like... Well I'm not sure what the smell can be compared with and it's not like an infection type smell but it's lotiony and kinda smelly. Also weird.

Oh yeah and does anyone know the answer to this? My LP is usually between 12 and 13 days - will that change bc I O'd earlier? I have regular 28 day cycles.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

50 Replies • 12 years ago



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Southern Bee- Hi! Yes we are!! when will you be testing?

Simsmum- Amazing! I hope your little girl sticks too!!

Faith- don't despair, all those you described sound like good signs to me! Don't give up just yet!!

AFM- been pretty normal. Bbs pretty sore but that's normal for me. Not much to report 6 or 7dpo now...

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12 years ago

I'm 7dpo and totally don't know where my head is today....preg or not, hormones are definitley raging havoc within me.

I have LOTS of boob symptoms....and mood symptoms...I've had cramps, stabbing pains, pulls, pinches, twinges and bubbles this week....but then today I had a cramp, it wasn't massive, but it felt just like an AF cramp....and that's put me in a massive Debbie Downer....even though AF isn't expected for another 6 days....

Currently I have a dull ached around my right side....which isn't super fun, but I know it will disappear....

What do y'all think?

i just want this so bad :(


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12 years ago

Hi Girls,

My computer was messed up the past few days so I couldn't write without a 2 second delay. SO annoying!
Anyway, 10dpo and my bbs are a tiny bit sore. I almost feel like they're usually more sore by now. The last few nights I had crazy dreams. Two about babies that weren't mine but I was taking care of them; one last night about being the pope!? I had purple robes and the pointy hat and everything. LOL.
I'm one or two days away from expected AF, and I check my cervix to anticipate blood. I usually get a bit on my cervix a day or two before my AF arrives. Nothing yet, but I'm also trying not to get too excited...

Let us know if any of you test! I won't until tuesday, but then again I only have one FRER in the back of the cupboard. Saving it until the last moment!
Have a great weekend,

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12 years ago

Hi everyone!!!

I am supposedly 1 dpo, but I had bleeding mid cycle, so who knows! Today I feel so optomistic, like way more than usual...jsut a feeling that something good is happening! I have been having twinging pain in my lower right and REALLY HUNGRY! Also smells and nausea! I know it is early, but I really hope this is the month!!! to everyone!!!!

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12 years ago

Hi girls- I'm 10DPO today too. I've taken three HPT only to get three BFN! I was so sure I was pregnant as I had a dip in temp 7DPO and was having crazy cramping. Now I'm so sure I'm not that it's heart breaking :( what could the cramping have been? Anyone ever had cramping 7DPO?

12 years ago

Hi girls im 7DPO ovulate CD18

1dpo - nothing
2dpo - nipples sore, twinging,pulling
3dpo - cramping,headache,light headed, heartburn
4dpo - heartburn,cramping,headache
5dpo - all above+brown discharge
6dpo - all above+brown discharge
7dpo - heartburn,twinging,cramping tiredness

any advice ?? praying for BFP for us all

12 years ago

Hi ladies! Happy Halloween!!

Mummy- WOW awesome signs! Praying you get that BFP lady!! Keep us posted!!!

Sweet Augustine- Hey girl! I've had cramping at 7DPO, I just had a shooting pain on Friday (7 or 8DPO) that lasted for seconds, and the same night I remember I was cramping as well... not sure what it is!!!???
Nothing is over yet, you may just be testing too early, sometimes it doesn't show until after later- what's your update? you get that !!!!

Sunny- Hoping this is your month! You already at 1DPO sound you have great symptoms, any new?

Bee- that you don't get AF tomorrow lady!!!

Lolly- symptoms sound good!! Send update!!! and hope for

Simsmum- where are you? Did you get that ?? Sticky thoughts your way!!

AFM- 10 or 11 DPO and very mild symptoms mostly gassy, bloated and tender bbs. But at 7or8DPO I had a sharp pain that lasted for seconds and I yelled out from the pain... weird!! What do you guys think that was??? I don't think I've ever experienced that before!

Much to all!!

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12 years ago

hey ladies, i had a dip in temp 7-8do and nowits going back up again is this a good sign??

baby dust to u all

12 years ago

Hi Ladieeees!

White Rose and Sweet Augustine~
That cramping at 6-10dpo sounds like implantation. I had it once where I yelled out too. Here's hoping the bean sticks!

Mumm~ Those are all great signs. The temp going back up (I don't temp, but I've heard) is triphasal, right? That's good!

Sunny~ How's your tww going? How many cycles of ttc are you? I hope this is your month too!

Afm, was walking with my dh this morning and got some strange pressure cramps right at my pelvic bone in the middle. (I didn't say anything to him...)
AF is due today at the latest (I'm 13dpo & day 29 of an average 27 day cycle), but usually I have spotting around my cervix by now. I'll test in the morning if she's a no show.

Trying not to get excited! Eeeeee!

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12 years ago

Southern bee i really hope you get ur

i have 3 days til AF due, tested today but
probably too early but im obsessed, even ore so now my closest friend (who didnt really want children) has just announcd her pregnancy.......i feel like a failure

when are you going to test? i will leave it til day before AF now

12 years ago

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