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TTC #2 again

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On august 11th i took my last birth control pill after taking them for a year. We had been TTCing for over 2½ years without anything happening and decided to take a break for a year, mostly because I only had a year left of my studies. And that year has passed and we are officially TTCing again. I was expecting to start spotting or that AF would show up shortly after taking the last pill, since that's how my body reacted when I had me IUD (Mirena) removed when we started TTCing #2 the first round. But it seems like my body had other plans this time. A few days ago I started having some light cramps, like I do before AF shows. So I thought she were on her way. But then it went from light cramps to my regular OV-pain and I had a ton of ewcm. The pain stopped today, so I'm counting this as 1 dpo. It remains to be seen wether I actually ovulated or not. But hopefully it means my body will be back on track. And more hopefully, it won't take too long before I get my BFP.

115 Comments • 4 years ago



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No idea what those lines/squinters were, but af arrived april 14th. Worst birthday gift ever.. The only thing that made me feel better was the fact that my rabbits litter actually arrived that day too.

I'm starting to feel a bit bummed by the fact we can't seem to get pregnant for some reason. My and dh have talked about seeing a private fertility expert. I've decided that we'll continue to try during the summer and if we haven't gotten pregnant before fall, then we'll book an appointment with the fertility expert to hopefully find out why we're having trouble conceiving.

3 years ago • Post starter

So, cd 11 today and I'll probably start with my OPKs tonight. Not because I actually need them, since I seem to ovulate around cd 15 lately. But I bought quite a bunch of them and I might as well use them. About a week ago I stopped taking my medication that I got prescribed for my fibromyalgia. Mostly because they actually didn't help at all. So I'm trying to see if it can work without meds for a while. I actually started taking ashwagandha shortly after quitting my medication to see if it may help. I've read about it and my husband had already bought some a while back. Besides my fibromyalgia I also have a thyroid problem, mostly antibodies goind up and down. And I also suspect I suffer from adrenal fatigue. I've read about it and I have almost every symptom of it. Hence the ashwagandha. At this point I'd rather try with supplements since the doctors aren't to keen on treating my thyroid issues and I'm pretty sure they won't even bother with adrenal fatigue..

3 years ago • Post starter

I think me and hubby are in a bad loop when it comes to my cycle and his work schedule. I think this is like the 3rd cycle where we are over 10 km away working nights when I get my positive OPK. CD 14 today and got my peak OPK today.. Actually wasn't planning to do OPK at all this cycle and haven't tested up until today. But got my usual ov pain so I figured I might as well take on just for fun. And to no surprise at all it's a peak. We did bd cd 10 and 12 but now have to wait until cd 17.. I guess we'll have to wait until summer when he has almost 9 weeks off work. If nothing's happened after summer, then we definitely need some help.

3 years ago • Post starter

So, it's either 2 or 3 dpo today. I'm actually really pleasantly surprised as to how well aswagandha has helped with my pains, not to mention my sleep! It's been a while since I felt this well rested, even though I still feel a bit tired. But it's such a big change despite this short amount of time. Since I'm sleeping much better my pain has also decreased quite a bit. My muscles doesn't feel just as tense as before and my back pain has decreased. I still have a lot of neck pains as well as some parestesia in my skin right below my shoulder blades, which I suspect may be due to one of the invertebral discs being compressed. So I'm going to talk to my doctor about an MRI, since my spine hasn't been thoroughly checked since my pain started after an incident during an indoor bandy match 15 years ago..

Oh, and yesterday I actually ordered some more ashwagandha as well as some maca combined with roseroot. I don't expect to be pregnant this cycle, so I might as well be prepared for next cycle.

3 years ago • Post starter

I've now reached the end of my two week wait. I'm either 10 or 11 dpo. Two days ago I tested with an early one and got what looked like a very faint positive. Since that was the only test I had, I bought some more yesterday after work. The strip yesterday (regular one) didn't show anything. Tested again today with fmu and there may be a very faint line, but I'm not sure. Will test again later in the day and hopefully see a line I don't have to question. I know each pregnancy is different and the hCG may rise differently, but I still compare to my pregnancy with my son. Although I didn't test before 11 dpo, so there's no way of knowing if I would have gotten a super faint earlier or not.

I don't have that much hope of getting a nice strong line. I still expect it to be a chemical like it always is after getting a faint positive.. Would be nice though to actually get a strong positive and a positive digital. If it's not at least a bit stronger tomorrow, then it's not going to end like I want it to.

My symptoms right now are only some light "cramps" and quite tender breasts. I had some light nauseau two days ago which only lasted that day.

3 years ago • Post starter

The test is still only a shadow, so I'm expecting my period to show up in a couple of days. Have started spotting but that's not my normal spotting. Last night we had sex and I noticed some pink spotting right after, which I almost never have and definitely not in that position. So today it's brown spotting. I normally get brown spotting from 12-13 dpo though. Still have some tender breasts and cramps. Just got hit by a wave of nauseau that went away after a few seconds. So, a bit weird. I'll take my last test tomorrow and if there's nothing more than a shadow I'm sure af is on her way.

3 years ago • Post starter

I realize I haven't been writing here since af started. I expected to ovulate at cd 14 but knew it could be a little bit delayed since I have been taking ashwagandha, rose root and maca root up this cycle. I finally got my smiley face yesterday and I seem to ovulate the same day as a positive OPK. So I guess today is 1 dpo. I stopped taking my supplements since I was prescribed a new medication for my fibro yesterday and don't want to mix them. Now it's a minor waiting game until testing time. Hopefully I'll be able to keep myself from testing until at least 9 dpo..

3 years ago • Post starter

Approx 11-10 dpo today and I caved like two days ago. For this cycle I bought early ones that measures from 10. 8/9 dpo it was completely negative. 9/10 I saw a shadow of some sort and it's been like that today too.. I've noticed that I seem to be pulling a squinter out of many early ones, but rarely on the regular ones. Which makes me wonder if I may have a normal higher amount of hCG in my system during the luteal phase. Or if there's some other explanation as to why the early ones are giving me a lot of squinters when the regular ones aren't. Unfortunately I don't think I'm pregnant this time either and even though I'll surely be pretty bummed if AF arrives, at least that means that I can go through the MRI I have been waiting to do for so many years (15 years since that "accident" which caused me cronic back pain and later on along with other cronic pain most likely triggered my fibromyalgia).

3 years ago • Post starter

Hi I recently started reading through your posts and I'm hoping that you'll end up with a wonderful surprise BFP!

3 years ago

LIZ - thank you so much.

3 years ago • Post starter

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