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6 DPO - Looking for Symptom Swapers

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Hello ladies:

At work this morning and TOTALLY bored. Lets' swap symptoms...

Let me say that the first symptom is O'ing early. I should have O'd on Saturday (CD16) but instead O'd on Wednesday (CD13). Very strange.... I have been regular for the last 6 months.

O day to now - SUPER tired!

Tingly/stabbing pain in the breasts. Last night though there was some clear discharge from my right nipple - never had that before - weird!

Pinching and pulling in the abdomen - sharp/ stabbing and then some twinges/fluttering.

Way too much TMI to come but CM has taking a strange turn in the last day - It smells like... Well I'm not sure what the smell can be compared with and it's not like an infection type smell but it's lotiony and kinda smelly. Also weird.

Oh yeah and does anyone know the answer to this? My LP is usually between 12 and 13 days - will that change bc I O'd earlier? I have regular 28 day cycles.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

50 Replies • 12 years ago



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12 years ago

Hope everyone's TWW is going well! Can we get some in here, please?!!?

Whiterose- thanks for the encouragement! I am 5dpo now..extreme fatigue, grumpy, some nausea, and some cramping (mostly on right side, very dull and very low). Breasts are heavy. Extra cm. I also had a dream about being pregnant! HOw are you doing?!

Southern Bee- My tww is going well! Trying to destress and focus on positive thoughts! Lots of cool symptoms (but i never know if I am bringing them on lol). Very excited and THIS time, I am not pos until at least one day past when I am supposed to start. I have been TTC since Jan 09 How are you?! I hope you test soon!!!! !!!!

Faith1-any new developments? Have you tested again? Did you take a pic of the faint line?

mummy- dont give up! Test again when is a no show!

Hope all of you are doing wonderful! Updates when you can!!!!

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12 years ago

SouthernBee- How are you cycle buddy? I hope AF stayed away!! Sending you !!

Mumm- Sorry to hear of your bfn but it is a little early. I really hope you get your in the coming days so you and your friend could be preggers together!! Think positive!

Sunny- you have some great symptoms there girl! I hope this is your cycle and your dream comes true!!!! We really need a in this thread!!
I woke up with an on/off again migraine/headache and when it comes it REALLY HURTS and also heartburn (which is weird cause all I've eaten all morning is 2cereal bars and milk). I did have some spotting though too which leads me to believe that AF may be coming.
This cycle has been so different with all this and with that pain ad 8DPO on my side that made me yell... never happened to me before, do you guys think it was implantation but just didn't stick?
I'm so bummed !!!

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12 years ago

Hi Whiterose!!!
Thanks! I hope you are right about my symptoms! I woke up with some major bloating! I have been having vivid dreams, but my dreams are usually very

Heartburn and headaches are good symptoms for you! I hope the spotting was not ! ! Many people find out they are preggers from some weird spotting, so ! The spotting could have been implantation ...from the pain you had! I am hoping for that! Keep us posted and praying for you!!!!! Don't be bummed just yet!!!

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12 years ago

A BFN, nadda nothing zilch. Temp is still high. UGH!

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

Awww thank you so much Sunny, you're so sweet! I wish that were the case but yesterday my spotting turned into bleeding and full on - unfortunately!!
I really hope you don't have the same outcome as me though! Will be rooting for ya!! Hoping this is YOUR cycle!!

Faith- As I said earlier, don't give up just yet. AF hasn't shown her ugly face yet so you're still in!! I know the frustration with the bfn, but try to be positive!! It's such a good sign that your temp has remained high!!!

Mummy- any news? did you test today? Hope you got lady!!!


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12 years ago

whiterose - so sorry about ur

i didnt test today didnt wanna disappoint myself......AGAIN

got bad cramping today praying its not

wll test tomorrow alothough nt holding my breathe

12 years ago

Faith1 - hope you gt your

will you test again tomorrow??

12 years ago

Hi cycle buddies,

Mumm~ I hope that cramping is a little burrowing bean! I've been having af and non-af cramping the past few days, and I'm not out yet, so maybe you aren't either. xo

Sunny~ Keep on dreaming girl. Vivid dreams are supposed to be a really good sign. I believe your body knows at some level what's going on. If only mine would let me know what it knows! lol
I'm on cycle 4 of ttc, since dh and I were separated last year for grad school. We've been talking about ttc since Feb.

White Rose~ Like I said on the other thread, sorry about AF showing. Stay positive. It's going to happen soon. Do you take vitamin D? It's supposed to help. Just remember more than 2,000mg can become toxic. 400-15,00mg is great.

Faith~ [Looking at my belly button]... hello...hello... is anybody home? You and I are in the same position my sweet. I hope we both get good news soon. xo

AFM~ I'm 15 dpo and cd 31 of an 'average' 27 day cycle. I don't know exactly when I Ov'd, but I think it was around day 16.

Well, yesterday morning I took the *one FRER test* I have been saving with my fmu, and it was BFN...
But! I have had absolutely no spotting or AF either. My cervix is much higher than it usually is before AF. Does anyone know if implantation can happen later than 6-10 dpo? That would make my hcg levels unreadable at 14 dpo right?

Anyway, I'll test again on monday if AF is still a no-show. It's a long wait until then, so I'll keep you all posted ;)

Hugs, Bee

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12 years ago

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