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6 DPO - Looking for Symptom Swapers

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Hello ladies:

At work this morning and TOTALLY bored. Lets' swap symptoms...

Let me say that the first symptom is O'ing early. I should have O'd on Saturday (CD16) but instead O'd on Wednesday (CD13). Very strange.... I have been regular for the last 6 months.

O day to now - SUPER tired!

Tingly/stabbing pain in the breasts. Last night though there was some clear discharge from my right nipple - never had that before - weird!

Pinching and pulling in the abdomen - sharp/ stabbing and then some twinges/fluttering.

Way too much TMI to come but CM has taking a strange turn in the last day - It smells like... Well I'm not sure what the smell can be compared with and it's not like an infection type smell but it's lotiony and kinda smelly. Also weird.

Oh yeah and does anyone know the answer to this? My LP is usually between 12 and 13 days - will that change bc I O'd earlier? I have regular 28 day cycles.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

50 Replies • 12 years ago



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Southern Bee keeping my for for us both.

is due tomorrow
hope im not out this month but it isnt looking good had this morning with FRER nd had af like yet though

wish me

to you all xx

12 years ago

Well AF arrived last night. The though that your LP stays the same number of days no matter when you O is a LIE! My LP was 15 days but my cycle remained 28 days.

Anyway, I think we're going to take a break. i have been really interested in becoming a foster parent and I think I'm going to explore that sometime next year.

Thank you ladies for your support and understanding. Wish you all luck and BFP's

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago • Post starter

I don't know if I am 5 or 6 DPO.....wasn't trying at all and didn't even give much thought to anything until the symptoms started and now am obsessing over it!

OK--so 2DPO, just had the feeling of "How is this conversation going to go???" (You know, breaking the news and all) Also, bbs still super sore which usually goes down after O.....but online said normal for them to be sore after O so tried to ignore

3DPO, mild, yet stabbing cramps in right side for a few and the "feeling" as well as bbs being very sore....

4DPO.....still sore bbs, but now feeling full.....never really hungry for anything.....getting SUPER tired throughout the day

THEN.....last night, was uncomfotable to sleep in my stomach.....

And this morning.......wanted leftover manwiches, but once they were made, couldn't stand to eat one......took a nap and hurt to sleep on stomach and uncomfortable to sleep on side (arm against bb)....feel better after nap though, but starting to get a bit sleepy again. Feeling a bit Urpy today though

Could all be in my happens sometimes....had a weird dream this morning though (OK---that is weird for ME....I often have weird and vivid dreams so that isn't a sign for me)

And just now, started getting mild cramps again.

12 years ago

Hi everyone! Sorry, I have been mia, we are in the middle of moving...hectic!

Faith...I am so sorry about your bfn. I am going to be rooting for you on your next cycle! Taking a break might actually increase the likelihood of it happening! My trainer said it took her 2.5 years, and all the while everyone around her, including her sister, got preggers after a few months. Once she stopped "trying" that is when it happened. My problem is I can't stop "trying!" AH! !!!!

Whiterose- Thank you so much for your great thoughts my way! I am sooo, soooo sorry about your bfn. I have been praying for you! I am hoping it will happen for you soon. I am so sorry!

Mummy- I hope you get your !

Southern Bee- I am hoping for you to get your ! I am still hanging in there...starting to have some worries, but also excited! (I just can't help it, the thought of it ACTUALLY happening is sooo cool!) This month I have been talking to dh like the baby is in there! Hope I'm right this time! It sucks always being wrong. lol I am not sure about past 6-10 days, but let's hop so!

Callie - Great symptoms! Could be! Hope it is! Keep us posted on new symptoms. Im like you with the dreams, my dreams are normally crazy, but lately they have been especially crazy!


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12 years ago

Hi ladies! I hope everyone is doing well. I was really thinking this was the month for me, but AF came full force today. :( I hope someone gets their bfp soon!

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12 years ago

Hi girls,

Although my period was late five days, AF arrived. The toughest part was not knowing either way (after two negative tests, but still no af), but once my AF arrived I was relieved to just get onto this next cycle.
This will be my first cycle using opks. Today is cd6, so I'll wait until cd10 to start using them.

How is everyone else's cycle going?

xoxo Bee

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12 years ago

hey everyone, sorry for my absence arrived so and was feeling down so hopefully this month will be our month girls im CD6 today is anyone with me?

12 years ago

Wannabe, sorry to hear you didn't catch it this time either. I'm cd 8 so we're almost in step :)
Have a great day, Bee

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12 years ago

Hey Ladies!
Im CD 18 and due to O tomorrow! It is the day before my birthday, so hopefully this is the lucky month! I wish good luck to everyone this month!

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12 years ago

I am really hoping that I am positive. I am 6dpo and have really itchy sensitive nipples no sore bbs yet. I am super gassy and headaches accompanied with a stuffy nose. I had a miscarriage last time so am very skeptical and scared.

12 years ago

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