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TTC #2 again

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On august 11th i took my last birth control pill after taking them for a year. We had been TTCing for over 2½ years without anything happening and decided to take a break for a year, mostly because I only had a year left of my studies. And that year has passed and we are officially TTCing again. I was expecting to start spotting or that AF would show up shortly after taking the last pill, since that's how my body reacted when I had me IUD (Mirena) removed when we started TTCing #2 the first round. But it seems like my body had other plans this time. A few days ago I started having some light cramps, like I do before AF shows. So I thought she were on her way. But then it went from light cramps to my regular OV-pain and I had a ton of ewcm. The pain stopped today, so I'm counting this as 1 dpo. It remains to be seen wether I actually ovulated or not. But hopefully it means my body will be back on track. And more hopefully, it won't take too long before I get my BFP.

115 Comments • 4 years ago



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OV coming up in the next few days. Not really counting which cycle day I'm at and will try not to count down until period either. I just go by CM and eventual ov pain to get a rough feeling of where I'm at in my cycle.

3 years ago • Post starter

So, I found out today that I'm going to be an aunt next spring if everything goes well. Sure, I'm sad that we haven't conceived still. But at the same time I'm super excited for my brother and his girlfriend! Finally, a cousin on my side! So far all my sons cousins are on my husbands side. This means I finally have some urge to sew baby clothes again. I love sewing and especially baby clothes since they're so tiny and adorable. But since we haven't been able to conceive a second, I haven't been too keen on sewing baby clothes for a while. To have that feeling of wanting to sew again feels really good. At this point I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is the cycle we conceive, it would be fun being pregnant at the same time as my "sister in law".

3 years ago • Post starter

Approx 10 dpo today. Very little symptoms like always. Negative test. So, nothing new here at all..

3 years ago • Post starter

11 dpo. Still stark white.

3 years ago • Post starter

14 dpo (approx) and still incognito. Ran out of tests at 12 dpo and couldn't buy any new ones since the pharmacy was closed. Ordered som new ones that I plan on using for next cycle, but if af hasn't arrived until tomorrow evening I'm using one of those tests. Haven't gotten my regular spottings either. Have been nauseous for a few days, but I think that's more due to the fact I had to quit my meds due to side effects and one of the "withdrawal symptom" are nauseau.. I really don't think I'm pregnant and am fairly convinced af will show up during the night. But I guess one can never know for sure until then.

3 years ago • Post starter

Hey, I hope your period stays away and you test positive in a couple days. As for me, this cycle is a bit off for me as well. I took Maca the beginning of my cycle till after ovulation and then stopped. We also utilized the pull out method and there's no way that any semen got inside. I have zero symptoms except for itchy breasts. Couple days ago my cervix was open and I had mild cramps so I assumed af was on her way as the last few cycles, they were always short (23-25 days) and CTP has my period to start today and my app says tomorrow. I have no idea when I ovulated as my whole family caught a cold that lasted about a week. Some how managed not to catch it but I'm sure it may have delayed it by a couple days. I took a test strip today and it was stark white but the sample was diluted and not held long enough. With these cramps, I'm pretty certain af will show her ugly face tomorrow as I am shocked that she didn't start sooner. Will keep you posted and keeping my fingers crossed for you.

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3 years ago • Edited

Have af started yet for you dragonfly? Maca seem to delay ovulation for me by a few days, so maybe yours did as well.

15 dpo now and I thought for sure that I would wake up to af, but she still hasn't shown up. No spottings yet either. And my test were stark white as well. I tried and dilute my urine and tested with another one as well, if my last period for some weird reason wasn't a period and I got pregnant last cycle (like 00000,1% but still ). Nothing more than the test strip underneath showing up white. Pretty frustrating when I'm just waiting for it to start so that I can begin with my supplements.

3 years ago • Post starter

AF isn't here yet and still having some af type cramps. I think you are right about ovulating as I'm sure I didn't feel it happening until a couple days after my expected ovulation. We went to the trampoline park and I was jumping with Jacob and I had to stop as I was really lightheaded and stumbling. Don't know what that was about. Hope af stays away for you as well. I'm debating on testing but I am pretty sure it will be negative. But I remember with my daughter I didn't have any symptoms except for af type cramps around af time. Let me know how you make out.

So, I think I may be out. Saw a bit of blood when I did the cervix check and it is also open but not having any cramps like last cycle; so I have no idea what is happening. I put a tampon in and I will update later.

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3 years ago • Edited

CD 1 for me. Spotting got a little heavier during the night. How are you doing

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3 years ago

So sorry af got you dragonfly. I'm still waiting for af to show. Haven't tested today and I'm not going to. The nauseau disappeared. Still only have very minor cramps, so far no sharp pains like my usual ones. Some light tingling in my boobs, but that's also normal around af. My CM are a slippery, but not like ewcm. No spotting what so ever, not even a tinge! The longest I have gone before af showed up were 18 dpo, but that was a chemical. I have never during all these 4 years TTC #2 gone this long without either knowing it was a chemical, or at least be spotting for a few days. I really don't think I'm pregnant, but I think my thyroid might be to blame if my period doesn's show up soon. I have had elevated thyroid antibodies since september 2019, but my other levels have stayed "within reference" (hate those words). But I have SO many symptoms of hypothyroidism..

3 years ago • Post starter

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