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TTC #2 again

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On august 11th i took my last birth control pill after taking them for a year. We had been TTCing for over 2½ years without anything happening and decided to take a break for a year, mostly because I only had a year left of my studies. And that year has passed and we are officially TTCing again. I was expecting to start spotting or that AF would show up shortly after taking the last pill, since that's how my body reacted when I had me IUD (Mirena) removed when we started TTCing #2 the first round. But it seems like my body had other plans this time. A few days ago I started having some light cramps, like I do before AF shows. So I thought she were on her way. But then it went from light cramps to my regular OV-pain and I had a ton of ewcm. The pain stopped today, so I'm counting this as 1 dpo. It remains to be seen wether I actually ovulated or not. But hopefully it means my body will be back on track. And more hopefully, it won't take too long before I get my BFP.

115 Comments • 4 years ago



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Thank you dragonfly.

CD 10 today and since yesterday my boobs have been tingling a lot, almost hurting a little. No ov pain just yet. It's probably my supplements that are causing this. Ordered some OPK which I hope will arrive tomorrow. Guess it wasn't all bad that my cycle were longer last cycle since it means my husband are home during all my fertile days this time. With him working nights almost 1,5 hour drive from here it isn't always easy timing things.

3 years ago • Post starter

Here's hoping you and hubby catch the egg this cycle. It must be hard to plan anything when he's working and driving there and back. I don't think this cycle will reult in a BFP as a lot of people saying that the odds off conceiving 5-7 days before ovulation are slim to none. We BD on Sunday but sadly he pulled out and birthday Monday, he was unable to perform. Still have some minor cramps and ewcm. Will see what the next two weeks bring as I have no idea when AF will show or when to test as I never ovulated this early before.

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3 years ago

Thanks dragonfly. Yeah, it can be quite difficult sometimes. We both would prefer if he worked closer to home, but right now a job that far away are better than none. How's it going for you, which dpo are you on now?

3 years ago • Post starter

That's right. As long as he is working. As for me, based on if I ovulated last Sunday, CTP has me at 5dpo. Been feeling some uterine cramping and odd sensations near my belly button and sometimes on the sides. CM has been watery and has some thickness but not an abundance. I've also been exhausted but not if it's just because my son sleeps in the same bed as me. I'm not going to check cervix as I don't understand it. My period should be due on Oct 5 based on my app and CTP has it at Oct 2. Don't have high hopes of a viable pregnancy but only time will tell. Where are you at in your cycle?

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3 years ago • Edited

Having my fingers crossed for you dragonfly. I'm cd 14 today and I'm waiting to see which day I'll ovulate this time. It's usually cd 16, but anywere from cd 14 to 18 are not uncommon for me. The OPK were stronger yesterday, so I know it's on the rise. Will try one in a fre hours and see. Fortunately my husband got off his shift this morning and are now home for the next 5 days, so perfect timing!

2 years ago • Post starter

Well, I just got a super positive OPK just now, so let the baby dancing begin!

2 years ago • Post starter

That's awesome for you. You and hubby can have some alone time. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you catch that egg.

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2 years ago

We managed to get some bd in this weekend, both saturday and sunday actually. And that will have to do. None of us are up for it three days in a row, so. But I'm approx 1 dpo today anyway. Woke up feeling a bit warmer, just like I always do after ovulating. Now it's that dreaded two week wait..

2 years ago • Post starter

So glad you guys were able to get some bding in. Keeping my fingers crossd for you. As for me, quite a few things the last few days. At 6dpo, I had wicked chills that lasted all day and some diarrhea. Yesterday (7dpo), my boobs were quite sore and my nose has been stuffy/runny and sneezing lots. Some more odd sensations near my belly button. Then late last night, thought I tasted a bit of metallic in my mouth. Today at 8dpo, having some minor cramps, sneezing and runny nose. The only thing(s) I don't have is frequent urination, heightened sense in smell. I'm hoping this week goes fast. I'm debating on testing early so hoping I can hold out until Saturday.

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2 years ago

Any news dragonfly? I'm only 3 dpo, so not much happening here right now.

2 years ago • Post starter

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