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Faint BFP... but BFNs since then! WHY?

I had my first round of Clomid 50mg, was told I should ovulate around CD14. On 8DPO, I tested with an IC and Clearblue + and both had very faint, but coloured, positives. Every test since then has been BFN. Any ideas? I am 11DPO today.

6 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Answers

It could be a chemical pregnancy where the egg got fertilized but didn't stick (hope I am wrong tho)

11 years ago

@truestar070 Thanks for your help. Wouldn't I bleed if that were the case?

11 years ago • Post starter

I had a chemical pregnancy and tested veeeeeryyy faint positive but then AF came on full power. Started rather watery and brownish and a day later turned red. I wouldn't have known that I am pregnant if I didn't tested. Sometimes I think is better to test after the AF is late and reduce the stress ...but I also know that's close to impossible when you are actively trying to conceive :)

11 years ago

I had a chemical pregnancy and tested veeeeeryyy faint positive but then AF came on full power. Started rather watery and brownish and a day later turned red. I wouldn't have known that I am pregnant if I didn't tested. Sometimes I think is better to test after the AF is late and reduce the stress ...but I also know that's close to impossible when you are actively trying to conceive :)

11 years ago

My post got posted twice ...not sure why. sorry

11 years ago

That is still very early to test....maybe it was an evap line ( if you left the test for too long before looking at it) test again when af is late. Good luck x

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11 years ago

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