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Posts by anonymous123

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Is very stretchy EWCM a sign of a BFP? I'm 10 days past a confirmed ovulation!

Ovulated 10 days ago. (Got positive smiley face on Digital OPK.) BD'd that day, got negative OPK the following ...

8 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago



Faint BFP... but BFNs since then! WHY?

I had my first round of Clomid 50mg, was told I should ovulate around CD14. On 8DPO, I tested with an IC and C ...

6 Answers      

Latest 11 years ago





So frustrating!

I feel crazy. I was so convinced I was pregnant on Friday that I surprised my husband with little baby shoes. ...


Latest 11 years ago


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