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So frustrating!

I feel crazy. I was so convinced I was pregnant on Friday that I surprised my husband with little baby shoes. We cried, we hugged, it was real.

That day I had two faint positives, or so I thought. Within 10 minutes on an IC and a Clearblue positive I saw them. I bawled I was so happy. I drove my husband to work, planned the big announcement, and bought a few more tests. I was 8 DPO and surprised I found out so early. I came home, took a digital, and it said not pregnant. I thought that was strange, but it must have just been too early. When I showed my husband the IC and the ClearBlue he saw the lines too.

I had all the symptoms so I knew I was pregnant. On the night after ovulation I had my first very vivid dream... ever. It was so vivid that I woke up crying and needed my husband like a 4 year old needed their mommy. My husband told me that it was a sign of pregnancy. I was surprised, I had no idea! Then the cramping started on the right side and lasted for days. I started feeling a pressure in my pelvic area, as if I had to go pee, but I didn't actually have to go. I got 2 pretty bad headaches which are unusual. I had a few dizzy spells. Increased CM. I napped on my lunch in my office, twice. I went to bed early. Then there was the night that my lower back hurt so bad that I was nearly in tears. I experienced heartburn and burping.

So all this is going on, I still have cramps today, and I am 11 DPO. The worst part is, ever since 8 DPO I have had negatives on every test I took. I've probably taken 10 in 4 days. So today I did some major research and learned all about evap lines (which I don't think they were), and am starting to learn about chemical pregnancies. I wonder if that's what it is... but I'm not bleeding???

I put my two pregnancy tests on the HPT images and for the most part people are seeing negatives. Starting to make me feel crazy.

I'm only 11DPO now so I'll keep testing, but if I'm not pregnant, next cycle I'm tracking my ovulation like a M-F.

0 Comments • 11 years ago



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