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Is very stretchy EWCM a sign of a BFP? I'm 10 days past a confirmed ovulation!

Ovulated 10 days ago. (Got positive smiley face on Digital OPK.) BD'd that day, got negative OPK the following day - feel very confident in BD timing. Have been cramping since then. Today, 10 DPO and stretchiest EWCM I've ever had! Stretches 2-3 inches. Have been using HPTs and have had BFN's every day, including this morning.

Was stretchy EWCM a sign of your BFP? Has anyone had this and ended up a BFN?

(side notes: I have PCOS and am took Metformin and Clomid 150mg this cycle.)

8 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 8 of 8 Answers

i had very stretchy eggwhite cm when i got my bfp 2 weeks ago and still have it.. i always thought creamy cm was a sign of bfp but i have a mixture of creamy and eggwhite.. good luck hopefully its a sign for you too!! :)

11 years ago

@shaylamomma2 Thank you so much for answering - this has given me hope! When did you find out about your BFP? How many DPO?

11 years ago • Post starter

im actually not sure what dpo i was we had quit trying in april so i stopped charting and temping..but i tested 3 days before af was due and got a very faint positive... and then the day after af was due i got a blaring positive!!

11 years ago

Are you sur eyou ovulated 10 days ago? Ewcm is a sign of ovulation. You could have not ovulated and be ovulating late. This happened to me in January 2012 when I conceived my son. I got a positive opk, but didn't ovulate, instead I ovulated 2 weeks later. I would bd just in case. Good luck!

11 years ago

@estone THAT'S POSSIBLE?!?! I thought a digital opk practically guaranteed ovulation, especially if negative the next morning. I did have EWCM on day before/of positive opk, and now it has returned 10-11 days later! Thanks for the info. Now I'm wondering if all of my other symptoms were leading up to ovulation or just clomid side effects. WAAHH

11 years ago • Post starter

Sometimes your body prepares for ovulation and then it doesn't release an egg. The digital opk just detects the lh surge in your system, but it doesn't guarantee ovulation. Do you bbt? I found that the most reliable system to detect ovulation. I gave up on opks. Lol. Good luck to you .

11 years ago

Yes it can be a sign I had it at 12 dpo and got my bfp when I tested on 14dpo gd luck

11 years ago

were u pregnant??

10 years ago

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