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a negative opk and a positive opk with same urine sample!!!

Hey, my name is Darlene and I am ttc #2. This is my first time using opk's and I am confused. I had taken a cbd opk with fmu and at 2pm-both positive. Took 2 internet cheapies the second one with the same 2 pm sample- both negative. So, am I going to ovulate soon or not.....very minimal ewcm....has this happened to any of you before? I am going to bd and I am bbtemping. Had a slight raise in temp today, but I thought that happened after O.

2 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi there. different OPKs will have different sensitivieis despite what they might say. In particular the cheapies are certainly not standardised so quality control is very minimal. I find that different batches work very differently for me so try to only use one batch per cycle (and buy in bulk!) That way I can get to know the batch and how it works for me.

Regarding when you have/will ovulate. From your BBT chart alone you might have ovulated on CD13. In another couple of days you should get a better idea, especially if you have a more pronounced temp rise tomorrow. I wouldn't worry about the actual ovulation date too much. You have had plenty of sex so it is only useful for working out when to expect your period.

10 years ago

Thank you for the reply! I was thinking the same thing about my o date. I was just confused with the opk's and temp rise the same day. I am pretty certain I am covered as far sex goes. It is good to know about the ic not always being the best. I never did get a "positive" one from them. This really helps me put my mind at ease. The ic is supposed to have 25 miu and the clear blue 40 miu so that furthered confused me. I think I will just go by my temps.

10 years ago • Post starter

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