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Some people.....

Just a little back story: After a lot of thinking my husband and I have decided to move forward and ttc again since I had miscarried our baby girl. I had a d&c on December 9th and my OB just said wait until af returns before you try again. My cycle had returned on Jan 8th and I am 1 dpo today. I had an appointment to donate blood which I had made before I had conceived in September. I called Red Cross today and the woman I had talked to was THE WORST! I had told her about the miscarriage and asked if I should cancel. She had said enough time passes so if I was in good health all would be ok. I then asked her if it would still be ok if we were ttc again. She asked "Does your doctor know?" I replied, "About trying again? She had told me to wait a cycle and I have." Then she came back, "Well, most doctors say to wait 3-4 months" I was a little frustrated at this time and I just said, "She said it had been that way but that after studies the general consensus is that waiting one menstrual cycle for dating purposes is fine in this type of loss" and she basically just said, " If you are pregnant you can't and if you aren't you're fine--what do you want to do?" Since I am in the tww I just said I feel better waiting then and she quickly told me "Have a nice day" and hung up. I am so upset about it. Who are you to get bent out of shape about how I want to handle this when I am just wondering what it the most safe? My doctor said it was ok, and this makes me almost second guess myself. I feel like if I could be blessed with my rainbow it will help the hurt of the loss just a little even. I might be a little sensitive as well about it, but it's hard enough without someone trying to tell me what I should be doing.

2 Comments • 7 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Comments

I am sorry that this conversation made you feel bad. Sometimes it's best to not even ask others about their opinions. Secretly you were hoping this lady would confirm what your dr recommended - and then she didn't. Anyways, her opinion doesn't count; she is not a dr. Wishing you the very best; hopefully, you will be blessed with a healthy pregnancy soon.

7 years ago

Right, I know. I think it upset me because I ultimately just wanted to know what was safe if I do by chance happen to be pregnant. I really didn't want her two cents. But, after reflecting maybe she honestly just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything to hurt myself incase I didn't ask my doctor. I'm just a little sensitive. And thank you, I hope you will fall pregnant soon as well.

7 years ago • Post starter

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