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Posts by Darladybug

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Some people.....

Just a little back story: After a lot of thinking my husband and I have decided to move forward and ttc agai ...


Latest 7 years ago



Life ain't always beautiful

Miscarriage mentioned. I haven written anything in a very long time. I conceived and had my daughter in Februa ...


Latest 7 years ago





Luteal phase and progesterone

Hi ladies I am looking for answers on if I have low progesterone or not. Since my periods returned after my la ...

1 Answer      

Latest 8 years ago



Tilted uterus/pregnant but nothing on ultrasound

This question is for my sister. She has endo and PCOS. She had a bfp the week of Easter so she should atleast ...

4 Answers      

Latest 8 years ago



Who is testing on Father's Day?

Just wanted to see which of you lovely ladies are going to test either on or *for* Father's Day. I am 4 dpo an ...

9 Replies      

Latest 10 years ago



a negative opk and a positive opk with same urine sample!!!

Hey, my name is Darlene and I am ttc #2. This is my first time using opk's and I am confused. I had taken a cb ...

2 Replies      

Latest 10 years ago





Quit vitex after ovulation or bfp?

Hi ladies! I need some advice. I have been taking vitex for about 3 weeks. I just got a positive opk on cycle ...

2 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago



cycle day 1!

Is it crazy that I am excited that today is cycle day 1finally? Don't get me wrong, I would have been elated t ...


Latest 10 years ago



I just want to ovulate already!

How do some ladies get through this? I feel like everyday is an eternity. I just want something to happen. I a ...


Latest 10 years ago



CD 48, EPO and Vitex help!

Just looking for a little help as far as EPO goes. I am going through an anovulatory cycle and on cd 48. I wan ...

2 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago