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Quit vitex after ovulation or bfp?

Hi ladies! I need some advice. I have been taking vitex for about 3 weeks. I just got a positive opk on cycle day 14 (yay!) I just need advice on when to stop taking it. There is so much contradictory information and I just want to do the right thing. Do I stop taking it when ovulation is confirmed, or keep taking it until a bfp, or wean myself off of it after a bfp? My gut is telling me to stop after o, but I don't want to mess my cycle up. That being said I do not want to do anything to hurt my future bean. The bottle says to stop after a bfp, but I read of a lot of ladies who had miscarriages after abruptly stopping. Can someone tell me how they did it/ would do it? TIA!

2 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

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Hi, I am using Vitex too. I started it in March and I did not stop it so far. Vitex does not contains any hormones, just help to make a hormonal balance. I will not stop it until my bfp, and I will reduce it from day to day, and not just stop it suddenly. Hope that helped you. I spent hours reading forums about how to use vitex, and I believe this is the best way to use it.
Good luck and Baby Dust!

10 years ago

Thank you for responding! Like I said I just want to do the right thing. Maybe I will keep taking it then!

10 years ago • Post starter

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