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Tilted uterus/pregnant but nothing on ultrasound

This question is for my sister. She has endo and PCOS. She had a bfp the week of Easter so she should atleast be 11 weeks along. She has a tilted uterus as well. She went to ER for pain and they did a doppler and picked up a heartbeat at 158. Right after they did and ultrasound and they said there was nothing. No sack - nothing and they told her she had miscarried. She had spotted very little a few times but nothing she thought would cause alarm and they told her it must have happened then and that the doppler heartbeat must have been hers and she was just nervous. They did a blood draw and told her that her levels were low, but on the ultrasound pics they had her at 16 weeks. Then they told her no lifting heavy things and rest. It doesn't makes sense. Advice?

4 Answers • 8 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Maybe she should get a second opinion? I mean maybe they were looking at something else? I would get a 2nd look maybe a different doc

8 years ago

I had gone threw a thing simulate to this I was testing high so was defenetly a miscarry but I had the plant a but no baby it was a empty pregnancy but my only thing is if they seen a heartbeat that's not a miscarge is it? Idk maby I'm confused about ur question idk but high levels r a miscarry not low and as long as there's a heartbeat I believe it's still a pregnancy unless it's a ovem pregnancy if so there is a high risk of a miscarge and the fetus can't grow idk if there is anything they can do for something like that but yes get a second opinion is best

8 years ago

I would get a second opinion. None of that makes any sense, it was all contradictory. Its possible that she misunderstood the doctor and he said it is a threatend miscarriage. She should definitely go to an ob/gyn and not just the ER, they will still least explain whatever going on better.

8 years ago

Thanks, ladies. She did go in for a second opinion. They never tried another ultrasound or doppler. They did a blood draw and her HCG was at a zero. Because she had gotten a positive before they basically told her there was no need. They told her the doppler heartbeat was probably just a muscle spasm. They figured she just had a chemical at the beginning and didn't realise. It still doesn't make sense to me fully, but I guess two same opinions. Atleast she knows she can get pregnant.

8 years ago • Post starter

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