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Who is testing on Father's Day?

Just wanted to see which of you lovely ladies are going to test either on or *for* Father's Day. I am 4 dpo and I think I will test on Friday 13th-no joke it is actually my lucky day- so I can hopefully give hubby a great present! Friday I will be 12 dpo!

9 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by likes)

1 - 9 of 9 Replies

I am 5dpo and plan on testing on Father's day. My body feel out of whack. My taste has changed everything. Hoping for some good news.

10 years ago

I did take one today, bfn- but I am only 8 dpo, so it is still early. On a better note, my temp did jump .5° today, so I hope it means something!

10 years ago • Post starter

What a great idea! I'm only 6dpo today but I might be able to get a + on Father's Day with a sensitive test. Fingers crossed that we can give our SO's something super cool for the day :) Thanks for the idea and best of luck!

10 years ago

I plan to test on Father's day as well. I'll be 11 dpo but I am really hoping for at least a faint positive so I can surprise my husband. If I do get a positive, I'm going to give him a Dad book, a future surfer onesie and the test. I have a really good feeling about this cycle and I really hope I can get a positive that early. I wanted to test the day before so I can get a digital to give to him but I think it will be too early to get a positive on a digital. Fingers crossed!!!!

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

10 years ago

I was going to wait until Friday to test, I will be 12 dpo then. I have been testing since 8 dpo-even though I know it is crazy and getting bfn. I hope to get a positive by Friday so that I can get a big brother t shirt for my son to wear on father's day with out my husband knowing what I am up to. I hope we get the bfp's we are waiting for!

10 years ago • Post starter

I got my BFP!!!!!!! Good luck to you ladies and a ton of the baby dust!

10 years ago • Post starter

Congrats Darladybug! That is such great news and just in time for Father's Day! Of course I tested this morning and got a bfn! I'm 9 dpo so I didn't expect to see much just maybe a faint line, at least. I'll have to wait a couple more days. Fingers crossed and I'm so happy you got your BFP!!!!

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

10 years ago

Thank you! I hope you do too! I was getting negatives everyday from 8 dpo - 11 dpo. I decided to test using a different test on 11 dpo in afternoon and other was the bfp! I was using the 20miu hpt from I have not had a positive on that even using fmu. I took a new choice (dollar store) one on a hunch and saw a faint line. Backed it up with a frer. Again this morning positive and I had to do a digital to give to hubby on father's day which read pregnant!

10 years ago • Post starter

I'm a newbie on here... I am 15dpo haven't tested yet... but really want to now. According to my Period Tracker App I'm a day late. Symptoms have been super sleepy. I have been sleeping way too much. Cramping and aching. Slight nausea. Boobs feel normal. Saliva is increased. Mmm... I think I just need to test. Funny thing is... I can usually smell my period coming when I urine but this time I do not smell anything. I would really love to have a baby going on on there. I have never ever tried to get pregnant. But at 33 it seems as though time is running out... usually my pregnancies just happen without attempt. I am curious what other ladies symptoms are on a 31 day cycle.

10 years ago

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