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I just want to ovulate already!

How do some ladies get through this? I feel like everyday is an eternity. I just want something to happen. I am so prepared as far as charting and testing supplies, but I don't have a use for them yet. I just want to get to cycle day 1 for right now. It would be nice to be pregnant, but I know I am not. I really admire all of you ladies with irregular cycles and PCOS because I am so darn anxious about all of this. I can't talk to anyone about it and my husband understands, but thinks I am being dramatic. I suppose I am, but I can't help how I feel. One day at a time, right?

5 Comments • 10 years ago



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1 - 5 of 5 Comments

Relax chick :) How long have you been trying for?

10 years ago

Not very long to be honest. I recently came off of birth control and my hormones are wreaking havoc trying to get back on track. Like I said, I do know I am being dramatic but what is really bothering me right now is I don't even have a chance right now. I know patience is key, but that is one of my hangups. I do have to say, you made me laugh at myself a little. I really do need to relax. So, thank you.

10 years ago • Post starter

Lol, you asked how we get through it. Honestly, I don't know. Somedays whizz by, others drag like swimming through molasses. I have months where I don't stand a chance, the months I don't take the meds (coz you need to have a break from them sometimes). Those months I just try and work on my house, visit family more, keep myself busy.
It is tough though. If you discover the secret, you must share with the rest of us.
Good luck, I truly hope your journey is not as long as some of ours have been :) xxx

10 years ago

Thank you for just....relaxing me a little, lol. I know I can be a little impatient and I am a very anxious person. Like I said, I honestly admire all of you that have been going through this for a while. It can be so difficult just not knowing what to expect from one day to another. I do want to say that I really just took yesterday and tried to keep my mind preoccupied. It helped a lot. I think your response was a welcomed slap in the face to say, "Get a hold of yourself, woman!" I really don't think you know how much it helped. I hope that it won't take a long time to get a bfp. I hope your wait is almost over as well. I could only imagine how much patience you have.

10 years ago • Post starter

We are patient because we have no other choice lol. Not always patient. Today I feel like tearing my hair out.
Good luck, I'm sure you will be announcing your BFP soon :) xx

10 years ago

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