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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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501 - 510 of 611 Replies | Last Page

Baby#2: I hope that the cramping is just implantation cramps...

Cam: that's really awesome that you lost 17 lbs. I'm hoping to get down on my weight as well.

Everyone who's testing I have my fingers crossed for you... I'll be doing a test towards the end of the month .... according to charts I should be have the big O this week...

10 years ago

SMH--it depends on whether or not DH ends up coming with me. I will take the train if he's unable to go.

Gee, I'm just TIRED tired tired.

10 years ago

sailor....i used this site and fertility friend. i liked that i could download the ff app to my cell phone and didnt have to get out of bed to record my temps in the morning. I would take my temp, use the light from my phone to see the temp, put it in my app, and doze back off for an hour. It was wonderful.

cam...i had a temp dip at 6dpo and tested positive at 10 dpo, so an implantation dip at 6dpo is not unheard of. FX for your BFP.

I was going to address some others, but after reading the 4 pages behind I was, I can't remember who said what....sorry

Sorry for those of you that have experienced a loss. I know it is heart breaking, and until you have been in those shoes, it's hard for someone to understand the pain it causes. And even though they are trying to be consoling with their stupid comments, they just don't understand. I know it's hard to do, but take it with a grain of salt and a shot of tequila, lol. They mean well.

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10 years ago

Hey everyone I just went to my Dr for a physical and I was fasting since midnight. They didn't do my labs so I fasted for nothing. My pap smear is due Monday hopefully I get my BFP by then :-) LJT thanks I pray that this is it.

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10 years ago

Ah thanks ladies. Have downloaded ff and ill transfer the temps over to here when I actually get up :) my BBT arrived today so even though my hcg is still up at 648 ill get stuck in and bed into the habit :) my next blood test isn't until thursday! Yey! A little restbite, but I am at the docs to discus my results with my gp. Just wish it would all end so we can recover emotionally and move on.

Anyway off to catch up on the few pages I have sorry to those who have had bfns, fingers crossed they turn to bfps soon.

And hi to all the new ladies


10 years ago

Blie Rose Glad AF is gone. I agree Vaginal temping is a lot more stable.

Cam- that is not top early at all...I got my FX that it is implantation dip. Congrats on the weight loss, I did the same last year. ate a 1400 cal diet. was hard at first but once I got in the groove it was not so bad. Not to mention hubby was deployed so I was honestly too busy to notice I was hungry. Need to do it again seeing as I gained some back after my surgery.

Jada- I hope you see a BFP and not the Witch

SMH- Ha ha Amazon, that is where I did a lot of my Christmas shopping!! Except for my daughters power wheels, we gotta pick that up next week.

Sailor- So sorry you are going through this all, I hope that this will all end soon.

AFM- No Aunt Flow she will sneak up on me in the middle of the night...LOL I have never had a 14dpo since trying to conceive. Always 13 dpo with sometimes spotting on 13 dpo then the witch. If she is not here tomorrow morning I will test with my last FR. I actually have not tested since 12 DPO

10 years ago

I do vaginal temps and I keep the thermometer in my pillow case for easy access lol every morning at 550.

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10 years ago

LOL cam that is smart. Mine stays right on my night stand I hit my alarm then grab the thermometer.

10 years ago

Lol I had to hide it my baby girl has a habit of grabbing my thermometer to check her temp.....not this ONE!!! BOL

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10 years ago

Hi everyone, wishing everyone testing this week lots of luck and [baby_dust] Impatience got the best of me and I took a test today at 9dpo and got a BFN. Ugh I hate that feeling [sad]. Its my own fault, I should have waited. I'm still feeling out so I'm not sure why I was let down

10 years ago

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